Operations on Live View Page

Note: For description of other buttons, you can refer to Description of the buttons.
Table 1. Description of the buttons
No. Parameter Description

PTZ Control

Navigation key is used to control the direction. The rotation key is used for auto-rotation.

PTZ Speed

To adjust the speed of pan/tilt movements, from 1 to 10 .


Click to zoom in and zoom out.


Click to focus near or far of the lens.
Lens Initialization, Auxiliary Focus and Auto Iris.
Note: The Auto Iris is turned on by default.
Lighting For 30s: Click to open/ close the White LED for lighting 30s.
Note: Only for PTZ Bullet.
3D Positioning: Click to enable/ disable 3D positioning.
One-touch Patrol: Click to carry out the patrol.
Auto Home: Click to enable Auto Home.
Dehumidifying: Click to enable the fan working mode.
Manual Wiper: Enable the wiper to wipe twice manually.
Enable to set 300 preset positions for each regional view channel.
Enable to set 8 patrol paths for each regional view channel.
Display the pattern.