
Click to enter playback interface. In this part, you can search and playback the recorded video files stored in SD cards or NAS. The Playback interface is as below:

Step1: Click the “Search” botton, choose the data and record type when the window pops up.

Step2: The timeline displays the video files for the day and show different colors according to selected record type. Drag the progress bar with the mouse to locate the exact playback point as needed.
Note: You can also input the time and click to locate the playback point in the filed. You can also click to zoom out/in the progress bar.

Step3: Click to play the video files found on this date. The toolbar on the button of playback interface can be used to control playing progress.

Table 1. Description of the buttons
No. Parameter Description

Choose date to search recorded videos.

Search the recorded videos by record type ( All/General/Basic Event/VCA Event/People Counting/Face Detection). The timeline will show different colors according to selected record type as below:

Note: Face Detection only appears when your camera is MS-Cxxxx-xPC.

For LPR camera, the record type include All/General/Basic Event/LPR. The timeline will show different colors according to selected record type as below:

1 //

Speed Down/Speed Up/Speed

Adjust the speed of video playback.

Speed Down: Includes 0.5X and 0.25X for Play.

Speed Up: Includes 2X and 4X for Play.

Speed: The default playback speed is 1X

2 /


Play/Pause the video.


Stop the video.

Search Time

Select the time that want to locate.


Go To.
Table 2. Description of the buttons
No. Parameter Description


Click to enable the audio.



Click to take a snapshot.

3 /

Start/Stop recording

Click to start/stop recording.


Digital Zoom

Click to zoom on/off .


Full Screen

Full Screen.


Time Expand/Narrow

Time narrow/expand.