
The heat map results will be displayed on this interface.

Step1: Select Main Heat Map Type.

[Space Heat Map]: Space Heat Map will be presented as a picture with different colors. Different colors represent different heat values. Red represents the highest and blue represents the lowest.

[Time Heat Map]: Time heat map will be presented as a line chart to show the heat at different times.

Step2: Select Report Type including Daily Report, Weekly Report, Monthly Report and Annual Report.

Step3: Select Start Time, then click the "Search" button, the camera will automatically count the data for the day/ week/ month/ year (based on the report type selected by the user) from the start time and generate the corresponding report as shown below.

Space Heat Map

Time Heat Map

Step4: Click the "Report Export" button to export the report to local.

Step5: Click the "Auto Export" button to pop up the Heat Map Report Settings as shown below.

  • Set Export Type. User can check Space Heat Map or Time Heat Map or both. When either Space Heat Map or Time Heat Map is checked, the gray item becomes editable as shown below;
  • Set Day. User can choose Everyday to export daily reports, while choosing others to export reports on a specific day of the week;

  • Set Time. User can choose the time of day to export the heat map automatically, click the calendar icon to pop up the following Quick Selection;

  • Set Export Time Range.

  • Set the destination path of the automatically exported report. The report can be exported to FTP/Email/Storage automatically as the form of an Excel spreadsheet or a picture according to the day, time and export time range you set. Then click “Save”.

If the current Space Heat Map is generated, it will be saved as a png image. If the current Time Heat Map is generated, it will be saved as a csv form.