Set / Call a Preset / Patrol / Pattern

A preset is a predefined image position. You can click the call button from the preset list to quickly go to the desired image position.

Set a preset:

Step1: In the PTZ control panel, select a preset number from the preset list, and you can also customize the preset name displayed on the screen. The patrol name displayed on the screen will also be customized if you customize preset name and set a patrol as shown below;

Step2: Use the PTZ control buttons to move the lens to the interested position;

Step3: Click to save the setting of the current preset;

Step4: Click to delete the chosen preset.

Note: Up to 300 presets can be configured (18 presets are not modifiable). Up to 300 presets can be configured (for each regional view channel).

Calling a preset:

Select a defined preset from the preset list and click to call the preset.

Note: The following presets are predefined with special commands. You can only call them but can’t configure them. For example, preset 037 is the “Self Check”. If you call the preset number 037, the PTZ camera will start self check function at once.
Table 1. Special Presets
Special Preset Function Special Preset Function
33 Auto Flip(Speed Dome only) 43 Path7
34 Go to Zero 44 Path8
35 Self Check 45 Pattern1
36 Patrol 46 Pattern2
37 Path1 47 Pattern3
38 Path2 48 Pattern4
39 Path3 49 Stop Scan
40 Path4 50 Auto Scan
41 Path5 53 Wiper
42 Path6

Set / Call a patrol

A patrol is a memorized series of preset function. It can be configured and called on the patrol setting list. You can customize up to 8 patrols and it can be configured with 48 presets. Before configuring the patrol, you should make sure that the presets you want to add to the patrol have been defined.

Set a patrol:

Step1: In the PTZ control panel, click to enter the patrol settings interface;

Step2: Select a patrol number, the setting icon will appear , click it;

Step3: Click to add presets to this patrol, as shown in Figure;

Step4: Configure the preset number, patrol speed and patrol time;

Table 2. Description of Patrol Settings
Name Description
Patrol Speed

The speed of moving from one preset to another.

Patrol Time

The duration staying on one patrol point. The PTZ camera moves to another patrol point after the set patrol time.

Step5: Click to save the patrol settings.

  • Patrol Speed only works in Patrol mode.
  • Patrol Time should be 15~120s for PTZ Bullet and 0~120s for Speed Dome.

Call a patrol:

In the PTZ control panel, select a defined patrol from the patrol list, and click to call the patrol, as shown below.

Note: The three buttons behind the Patrol list means: Play, Set and Delete.

Set / Call a pattern

A pattern is a memorized series of pan, tilt, zoom and preset functions. It can be called on the pattern settings interface. There are up to 4 patterns can be set.

Set a pattern:

Step1: In the PTZ control panel, click to enter the pattern settings interface;

Step2: Select a pattern number from the pattern list as shown in the figure below;

Step3: Click to activate recording the panning, tilting and zooming actions;

Step4: Use the PTZ controller buttons to move the lens to the interested position;

Step5: Click to save all the pattern settings.

Note: The percentage of number on the OSD is the remaining space of pattern. Start with 100% and run out of 0%.

Call a pattern:

In the PTZ control panel, select a defined pattern from the pattern list, click to call the pattern, as shown in the figure below.


The three button behind the Pattern list means: Play, Record and Delete.

When configuring the pattern, pan and tilt are valid but the limit stops and auto flip will be invalid. Also, 3D Positioning operation is not supported.