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Backend Architecture

Overall Architecture

Functional Architecture

The image illustrates the conceptual architecture. Some components are continuously being refined.

  • Data Layer: The data storage layer, including relational databases and NoSQL (time-series databases). It supports out-of-the-box in-memory databases like H2 and Postgres SQL.
  • Core Layer:
    • Data Exchange: Core support capabilities, including rule engines, dynamic scripts, event buses, and other essential functionalities. It also includes connectors built on these core capabilities to support device data upstream and downstream business scenarios.
    • Standards/Specifications: The Beaver IoT platform defines standards and specifications for integrated development, including basic standards, integration standards, entity standards, SPI standards, and more, to standardize integrated service development.
  • Component Layer: General technical components that are modularized for better reuse by upper-layer services.
  • Service Layer:
    • Service: Essential services built on the core and component layers to support upper-layer applications.
    • Integration: Integration is the primary means by which Beaver IoT achieves device connectivity, control, and functionality extension. It allows Beaver IoT to interact with other software, devices, and third-party platforms. Integrations on Beaver IoT are developed as plugins, fostering community co-creation and promoting system expansion and integration.
  • Application Layer: Specific business applications built on the services and components provided by the service layer.

General Architecture

Overall, Beaver IoT implements a microkernel architecture, with specific functionalities achieved through integrations. Beaver IoT itself is responsible for data storage, basic process definitions, integration management, and general interface implementation.