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Dashboard Plugin

Plugin Introduction

The Dashboard plugin is used to display data of device entities, including historical data, latest data, and entity data operations. The Dashboard plugin allows for customizable display content, supporting various data presentation methods such as tables, charts, and cards.

Overall Process

  1. Log in to the open-source project.
  2. Create and develop your own plugin.
  3. Connect integration on the settings page.
  4. Add your own entity on the device page.
  5. Add your plugin on the dashboard page.

Dashboard Plugin Directory Structure

The plugin directory is located in the apps/web/src/plugin directory of the project. The internal structure of the plugin is as follows:

├── components # Base components directory for plugins
│ ├── chart-metrics-select # Chart metrics selection component
│ ├── chart-time-select # Chart time selection component
│ ├── entity-select # Entity single selection component
│ ├── icon-color-select # Icon color selector component
│ ├── icon-select # Icon selector component
| ├── input # Input box component
| ├── multi-entity-select # Multi-entity selection component
| ├── select # Selector component
| ├── switch # Switch component
| └── index.ts # Entry file for base components
├── config-plugin # General plugin configuration dialog, no need to focus on it during plugin development
├── plugins # Plugin directory
│ ├── area-chart # Area chart plugin
| ├── configure # Plugin form configuration file
| ├── view # Plugin preview file
| ├── config.json # Plugin configuration file
| ├── icon.png # Plugin icon
│ ├── bar-chart # Bar chart plugin
│ ├── data-card # Data card plugin
│ ├── gauge-chart # Gauge chart plugin
│ ├── horizon-bar-chart # Horizontal bar chart plugin
│ ├── icon-remaining # Remaining icon plugin
│ ├── line-chart # Line chart plugin
│ └── pie-chart # Pie chart plugin
│ └── radar-chart # Radar chart plugin
│ └── switch # Switch plugin
│ └── trigger # Event trigger plugin
├── render # Plugin rendering engine, no need to focus on it during plugin development
├── view-components # Common UI display components for plugins
├── typings.d.ts # Plugin type definition file
├── utils.ts # Plugin utility functions

Development Steps

  • Create a new Dashboard plugin directory under apps/web/src/plugin/plugins.

  • After creating your plugin directory, the first thing to do is to create config.json. You can skip configure and view, but you must have config.json. A config.json alone can complete the plugin's form configuration and preview configuration.

  • After creating config.json, configure the config.json file's type. The type serves as the unique identifier for the plugin and must not be duplicated. Avoid simple names to prevent conflicts with other plugins.

  • Configure the config.json file's name attribute and the icon path. The name will be displayed as the plugin name in the Dashboard configuration dialog, and the icon will be displayed as the plugin icon in the Dashboard configuration dialog.

  • After completing the above steps, you will see your plugin on the Dashboard. However, it will not be usable yet. You need to configure the configProps and view attributes to make the plugin configurable and displayable. For detailed configuration instructions, refer to config.json Configuration Item Description.

  • Configure other items in config.json. All required types in typings.d.ts must be filled out, otherwise, it will affect the final plugin effect.

config.json Configuration Item Description

Detailed Explanation of config.json Configuration Items

namePlugin name, used to display the plugin name in the formYes-
typePlugin type, used as the unique identifier for the plugin. It must not be duplicated. It is used to find the corresponding configuration file in actual use.Yes-
classPlugin category, used to categorize the plugin. When adding a plugin on the dashboard, it will be displayed based on the category. If not filled, it defaults to the "other" category.No-
iconPlugin icon, optional. The value can only be icon.png or left blank. It is used to display the plugin icon when adding a plugin on the dashboard. If not filled, the default icon is displayed.No-
defaultColDefault number of columns occupied by the plugin on the dashboardYes-
defaultRowDefault number of rows occupied by the plugin on the dashboardYes-
minColMinimum number of columns occupied by the plugin on the dashboardYes-
minRowMinimum number of rows occupied by the plugin on the dashboardYes-
configPropsConfigurable properties of the pluginYes-
viewDisplay configuration of the plugin on the dashboardIf the view file under the plugin has custom configuration, this attribute can be omitted-

Description of configProps Attributes

titleTitle of the form pluginstringNo
styleDirect style of the plugin, using CSS string configurationstringNo
classClass name of the pluginstringNo
themeStyle of the pluginRecord<'default' | 'dark', ThemeProps>No
componentsCollection of pluginsComponentProps[]No

Description of configProps.component Attributes

typeSupports MUI form plugins. The value is consistent with the MUI form plugin name; supports plugins in the components directory. The value is consistent with the plugin name exposed in index.ts. If there is a conflict between an MUI plugin name and a plugin name defined in the components directory, the plugin in the components directory takes precedence.stringYes
keyBound field of the pluginstringYes
titleTitle of the form pluginstringNo
valueTypeValue type. Optional types are: string | number | boolean | array | objectstringNo'string'
defaultValueDefault valuestring | number | boolean | Array<string | number>No
styleStyle of the pluginstringNo
styleDependedStyle dependent on other plugin values. Refer to the configuration example for details.Record<string, string>No
componentPropsBuilt-in properties of the plugin. The specific configuration depends on the filled type.Record<string, any>No
optionsDropdown options configurationOptionsProps[]No
rulesValidation rules. Refer to the react-hook-form plugin validation rules configuration for details.rulesTypeNo

Description of configProps.theme Attributes

classClass name settingstringNo-
styleDirect style settingstringNo-

Description of configProps.component.options Attributes

valueValuestring | numberNo-
optionsNested optionsOptionsProps<T>[]No-

Description of view Attributes

tagHTML tag namestringYes
propsHTML tag attributesRecord<string, any>No
idHTML tag idstringNo
contentHTML tag contentstringNo
paramsParameters bound to the HTML contentstring[]No
showDependedHTML tag display dependencies. Refer to the configuration example for details.Record<string, any>No
childrenHTML child nodesViewProps[](self-nesting view attributes)No
classGeneral class namestringNo
styleGeneral stylestringNo
styleDependedStyle dependent on other plugin valuesRecord<string, string>No
themesHTML tag stylesRecord<'default' | 'dark', ViewThemeProps>No

config.json Configuration Example

"type": "trigger", // Unique identifier for the plugin
"name": "Trigger", // Plugin name
"class": "operate", // Plugin type
"icon": "./icon.png", // Plugin icon
"defaultRow": 4, // Default width occupied by the plugin on the Dashboard, 24 divisions
"defaultCol": 4, // Default height occupied by the plugin on the Dashboard, 24 divisions
"minRow": 3, // Minimum width occupied by the plugin on the Dashboard, 24 divisions
"minCol": 3, // Minimum height occupied by the plugin on the Dashboard, 24 divisions
"configProps": [
"style": "width: 100%", // Form style, indicating full width
"components": [
"type": "entitySelect", // `entitySelect` indicates the entity single selection plugin in components
"title": "Entity", // Title displayed on the form for the plugin
"key": "entity", // Key value of the plugin in the form, used as the form key
"style": "width: 100%", // Style of the current plugin, indicating full width
"valueType": "object", // Value type of the current plugin, `object` indicates the value of the current plugin is an object
"componentProps": { // Properties passed to the plugin, only properties supported by the plugin will take effect
"size": "small", // Property of the current plugin, `small` indicates the plugin uses small size
"entityType": ["SERVICE"], // The entity single selection plugin filters only SERVICE type entities
"accessMods": ["W", "RW"], // The entity single selection plugin filters only entities with W, RW permissions
"entityExcludeChildren": true // The entity single selection plugin filters out parent entities
"rules": { // Validation rules for the current plugin, only rules supported by react-hook-form will take effect
"required": true // Indicates the current form item is required
"components": [
"type": "input", // `input` indicates the input plugin in components
"title": "Title", // Title displayed on the form for the plugin
"key": "title", // Key value of the plugin in the form, used as the form key
"defaultValue": "Title", // Default value of the plugin in the form
"componentProps": {
"size": "small",
"inputProps": {
"maxLength": 15 // Property of the current plugin, `maxLength` indicates the maximum input length for the plugin is 15
"components": [
"type": "input",
"title": "Label",
"key": "label",
"defaultValue": "Label",
"componentProps": {
"size": "small",
"inputProps": {
"maxLength": 15
"title": "Appearance of status",
"style": "display: flex;",
"components": [
"type": "iconSelect",
"key": "icon",
"style": "flex: 1;padding-right: 12px;",
"defaultValue": "WifiTetheringIcon",
"componentProps": {
"size": "small"
"rules": {
"required": true
"type": "iconColorSelect",
"key": "iconColor",
"style": "flex: 1;",
"defaultValue": "#A9AEB8",
"componentProps": {
"size": "small"
"view": [
"tag": "div",
"themes": {
"default": {
"class": "trigger-view",
"style": "background: #fff"
"children": [
"tag": "Tooltip",
"class": "trigger-view-title",
"style": "white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;font-weight: 600;",
"params": [
"themes": {
"default": {
"style": "color: #272E3B"
"dark": {
"style": "color: rgba(247, 248, 250, 0.86)"
"props": {
"autoEllipsis": true
"tag": "div",
"style": "display: flex;justify-content: center;flex: 1;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;",
"children": [
"tag": "icon",
"style": "font-size: 56px",
"class": "trigger-view-icon",
"styleDepended": {
"color": "iconColor" // Color style depends on the value of the `iconColor` field in the form
"params": [
"icon" // Value displayed comes from the `icon` field in the form
"tag": "Tooltip", // Use the Tooltip plugin from view-components
"class": "trigger-view-title",
"style": "white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;;text-align: center;margin-top: 8px;",
"params": [
"label" // Value displayed comes from the `label` field in the form
"themes": {
"default": {
"style": "color: #6B7785" // Text color in the default theme is #6B7785
"dark": {
"style": "color: rgba(247, 248, 250, 0.62)" // Text color in the dark theme is rgba(247, 248, 250, 0.62)
"props": { // Configure properties of the Tooltip plugin
"autoEllipsis": true // This property indicates that text is automatically truncated when it exceeds the display range