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Introduction to Key Coding Concepts



An identifier refers to the unique name of an object, which must be distinct within the same namespace.

It can only contain the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, @, #, -, /, [, ], and it is recommended to use Snake Case (lowercase letters with underscores, such as foo_bar) for naming.

  • For integrations the namespace is global, meaning that different integrations within a single Beaver IoT application instance cannot have duplicate integration identifiers. Generally, all Beaver IoT integration identifiers should be unique.
  • For devices, the namespace is the integration to which the device belongs, meaning that each device within an integration should have a unique identifier, but device identifiers can be duplicated across different integrations. If integrating with third-party platforms, it is recommended to use the third-party platform's device identifier as the identifier to facilitate mapping between the integration and the corresponding device on that platform.
  • For entities:
    • The namespace of an integration's entity is its integration.
    • The namespace of a device's entity is its device. Entity identifiers can be duplicated across different integrations/devices.
    • The namespace of a child entity is its parent entity. Child entity identifiers can be duplicated across different parent entities.
Full Identifier

In addition to the identifier, a child entity also has a fullIdentifier, which includes the identifier of its parent entity.

For example, if a child entity's identifier is bar and its parent entity's identifier is foo, then the child entity's fullIdentifier would be


The concept of a key is primarily significant for entities.

The key format for an integration's entity is:


The key format for a device's entity is:
