Directory Structure
The frontend project adopts a Monorepo design, focusing on usability and consistency as the basic principles to achieve an efficient and reasonable directory structure.
Usability: The structure should align with the architectural features, allowing developers to easily determine where to create or find files/folders.
To achieve usability, the folder/file structure should be clear and intuitive, so developers do not spend excessive time searching for or creating files and folders.
Consistency: Developers should always follow a unified folder/file structure standard.
To maintain consistency, ensure that newly created files/folders adhere to this structure during development and code review. A simple folder structure is easier to follow, while a complex structure may lead to confusion and misplaced files/folders, affecting development.
Overall Directory Structure
├── apps # Applications Directory
│ ├── web # Web Application
│ └── ... # Other Applications
├── packages # Libraries Directory
│ ├── locales # Internationalization Library
│ ├── shared # Shared Resources Library
│ ├── spec # Project Specifications Library
│ └── ... # Others
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
└── pnpm-workspace.yaml
Application Directory Structure
├── assets # Static Assets
├── components # Common Components
├── layouts # Layouts
├── pages # Pages
│ ├── home
│ │ ├── components # Page-specific Components
│ │ ├── hooks # Page-specific Logic
│ │ ├── views # Sub-route Pages
│ │ └── index.tsx # Page Entry
│ │
│ ├── user
│ └── ...
├── routes # Global Routes
├── services # Common Services
├── stores # Global State
├── styles # Style Resources
└── main.ts # Entry File
- apps: Contains all applications, each with its own directory.
- web: Directory for the Web application.
- packages: Contains all libraries that can be shared across multiple applications.
- locales: Library for handling internationalization.
- shared: Library for shared resources.
- spec: Library for project specifications.
- Project documentation file.
- package.json: Project configuration file, including dependencies and scripts.
- pnpm-lock.yaml: Lock file for pnpm to ensure dependency consistency.
- pnpm-workspace.yaml: Configuration file for pnpm workspace.
Application Directory Structure Explanation
- assets: Stores static assets such as images and fonts.
- components: Stores common React components that can be reused across multiple pages.
- layouts: Stores layout components, typically used for overall page layout.
- pages: Stores individual pages, each with its own directory.
- home: Directory for the home page.
- components: Stores components specific to the home page.
- hooks: Stores custom hooks specific to the home page.
- views: Stores sub-route pages of the home page.
- index.tsx: Entry file for the home page.
- user: Directory for the user page, structured similarly to the
- home: Directory for the home page.
- routes: Stores global route configurations.
- services: Stores common services such as API requests.
- stores: Stores global state management files, such as Redux or MobX.
- styles: Stores global style resources.
- main.ts: Entry file for the application.
This directory structure design allows developers to easily find and manage files, improving development efficiency and code maintainability.