VS133-P Default Profile

This topic provides the default Profile template of VS133-P.

Background information

When you add and apply Auto Provision for a device, a complete Profile template is required. A Profile template includes all configurable settings for the device, however, only the active parameters will be applied for Auto Provision. This topic outlines the active parameters within the default Profile template, helping you determine if the default template is suitable for your Auto Provisioning needs.

Note: If the default Profile template does NOT meet your needs, you can create a custom Profile template.

Default Profile template

    "version": "v1.0",
    "values": [
            "key": "dm_enable",    // Allow this device to connect with Milesight platform for remote management and configuration.
            "value": 1
            "key": "dm_type",    // Connect this device to Milesight Development platform.
            "value": 0
            "key": "dm_mip_addr",    // The server address of Milesight Development Platform.
            "value": "https://milesight.com"
            "key": "dm_dh_addr",
            "value": ""
            "key": "autop_enable",    // Enable auto provision for this device.
            "value": 1
            "key": "scene_prvw",    // The scene preview mode of the device is Video Stream.
            "value": 0
            "key": "image_type",    // The image type of the device is Pseudocolor image.
            "value": 1
            "key": "show_track_line",    // Show tracking lines in preview window.
            "value": 1
            "key": "show_detect_line",    // Show detection lines in preview window.
            "value": 1
            "key": "show_uturn_area",    // Show u-turn areas in preview window.
            "value": 1
            "key": "show_detect_region",    // Show detection region in preview window.
            "value": 1
            "key": "work_mode",    // The working mode of the device is Standalone Mode.
            "value": 0
            "key": "install_height",    // The install height of the device is 3000m.
            "value": 3000
            "key": "max_target_height",    // The device will ignore the objects higher than 2000m.
            "value": 2000
            "key": "min_target_height",    // The device will ignore the objects shorter than 1000m.
            "value": 1000
            "key": "child_filt_height",    // To set the max child height when children distinction feature is enabled.
            "value": 1300
            "key": "track_mode",    // The tracking mode of counting is Head Tracking.
            "value": 0
            "key": "uturn_filter",    // 
            "value": 1
            "key": "child_diff",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "staff_detect",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "staff_sensitivity",    // 
            "value": "5"
            "key": "group_count",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "max_group_count",    // 
            "value": 20
            "key": "region_monitor",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "heatmap",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "input_enable_count",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "trig_stat",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "rst_cum_count",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "rst_day",    // 
            "value": 7
            "key": "rst_time",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "ip_assign",    // 
            "value": 1
            "key": "ip_addr",
            "value": ""    // 
            "key": "subnet_mask",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "default_gateway",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "prim_dns_server",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "second_dns_server",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "http_enable",    // 
            "value": 1
            "key": "http_port",    // 
            "value": 80
            "key": "https_port",    // 
            "value": 443
            "key": "recipient",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "rep_time_info",    // 
            "value": "0xffffffff"
            "key": "dev_name",
            "value": "People Counter"    // 
            "key": "cus_dev_id",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "cus_site_id",    // 
            "value": ""
            "key": "time_zone",    // 
            "value": 14
            "key": "dst_enable",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "dst_start_month",    // 
            "value": 3
            "key": "dst_start_week_no",    // 
            "value": 5
            "key": "dst_start_week_day",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "dst_start_time",    // 
            "value": 120
            "key": "dst_end_month",    // 
            "value": 5
            "key": "dst_end_week_no",    // 
            "value": 5
            "key": "dst_end_week_day",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "dst_end_time",    // 
            "value": 180
            "key": "dst_bias_time",    // 
            "value": 60
            "key": "sync_mode",    // 
            "value": 1
            "key": "ntp_server_addr",    // 
            "value": "pool.ntp.org"
            "key": "ntp_syn_interval",    // 
            "value": 1440
            "key": "tof_freq_adjust",    // 
            "value": 0
            "key": "hard_rst",    // 
            "value": 0