People Counting

You can Search and Backup the results of People Counting.

Step1: Entering search conditions.

Search Type: Select the search type first, including People Counting by Camera, People Counting by Group and Regional People Counting.

(1) Select “People Counting by Camera”:

Channel: Check the corresponding channels. It supports simultaneous search of multi-channel reports.

Line: Check the detection lines. It supports simultaneous search of multi-channel reports.

Report Type: Daily Report, Weekly Report, Monthly Report and Annual Report are available.

Statistic Type: People Entered, People Exited and Sum are available.

Start Time: Input the time from which you want to Search.

(2) Select “People Counting by Group”:

Group: Select the groups.

Report Type: Daily Report, Weekly Report and Monthly Report are available.

Statistic Type: People Entered, People Exited and Sum are available.

Start Time: Input the time from which you want to Search.

(3) Select “Regional People Counting”:

Channel: Check the corresponding channels. It supports simultaneous search of multi-channel reports.

Region: Check the detection regions. It supports simultaneous search of multi-region reports.

Length of Stay: Choose the length of stay.

Report Type: Daily Report, Weekly Report and Monthly Report are available.

Start Time: Input the time from which you want to Search.

Step2: Click to obtain the corresponding result. There are two ways to show the results of People Counting: Line Chart and Bar Chart.

And then you can click to export it.

Step3: You can backup the results of People Counting. For People Counting by Group, you can back up the results in two ways:

(1) Backup the group you want.

Step1: Choose the group you want to backup and click backup button ;

Step2: Select the file format, and then click export button.

(2) Backup all.

Step1: Click backup all button ;

Step2: Select the file format, and then click export button.

Then you will get corresponding file.