Object Left/Removed

Object Left can detect and prompt an alarm if an object is left in a pre-defined region. Object Removed can detect and prompt an alarm if an object is removed from a pre-defined region.

Settings steps are shown as follows:

[Detection Settings]

Note: General Settings will take effect in all detection regions/lines!

Step1: Selected detection region and enable object left/removed detection (Or you can enable both features at the same time);

Note: If you choose Normal Mode, it supports configuring the detection region for the current area. If you choose Advanced Mode(Only for PTZ series), it supports configuring the detection region for different PTZ presets (Only support Preset 1~4 so far). And set object size limits.

[General Settings]

Step2: Set Min. time, detecting sensitivity and object size limits.

Table 1. Description of the buttons
Parameters Function Introduction
Min. Time After setting Min. time from 5s to 1800s, any objects are left in the selected area or removed from the selected area over the minimum time will trigger the alarm.
Sensitivity Level 1~10 are available, the default level is 5. The higher the sensitivity, the easier it is for moving objects to be recorded in the results.
Note: The sensitivity can be configured to detect various movement according to different requirements. When the level of sensitivity is low, slight movement won’t trigger the alarm.
Min. Size Draw the screen or input pixel number to set the minimum size of the detected object. When the object is smaller than this size, it will not be detected. The default minimum size is 3*3.
Max. Size Draw the screen or input pixel number to set the maximum size of the detected object. When the object is larger than this size, it will not be detected. The default maximum size is 320*240.

[Schedule Settings]

Step5: Set detection schedule;

Note: This part is the same as the regular schedule settings. You can refer to Region Entrance.

[Alarm Action]

Step6: Set alarm action;

  • This part is the same as the regular alarm settings. You can refer to Description of the buttons.
  • When enabling PTZ Auto Tracking, camera will automatically track objects and trigger an alarm if an object is left or removed in a defined area.
  • If you enable External Output and choose Constant External Output Action Time, when an object is left/removed from the selected regions, External Output Action alarm time will be always constant till the alarm is released.