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Development Guidelines


This document primarily outlines the backend development standards for Beaver IoT, aiming to prevent conflicts during the integration development process and facilitate subsequent maintenance.

Naming Conventions

1. Integration Module Naming Conventions

It is recommended to name the Maven module artifactId the same as the integration ID, such as msc-integration, for ease of maintenance and retrieval.

2. Integration Class Package Naming Conventions

The integration class package path should adhere to the com.milesight.beaveriot.integration.{integration_identifier} convention, such as com.milesight.beaveriot.integration.msc. The com.milesight.beaveriot package path allows for framework scanning, integration is fixed, and msc is the integration identifier.

3. Integration Icon Naming Conventions

Integration icons support both relative paths and absolute paths. A relative path is relative to the root directory of the integration, while an absolute path references an external image address. When using a relative path, developers should place the image files in the /resources/static/public directory of the integration and name the files after the integration name to avoid conflicts.

4. Identifier Naming Conventions

Devices and entities in the Beaver IoT platform contain Identifiers, preferably named as snakes (lowercase letters with underscores, e.g. foo_bar). See [Introduction to key coding concepts] (.../.../key-dev-concept).

Project Standards

1.Project Construction

For integration development, we provide a context dependency package for basic integration functions. Dependencies already included in Beaver IoT are set to scope as provided. Developers may introduce other dependency packages (not included in Beaver IoT) to meet integration development needs, but should preferably use the versions defined in the platform's beaver-iot-parent to avoid dependency conflicts.

REST API Standards

Request and Response

1.Request and Response Field Style

Beaver IoT uses snake_case naming for request and response fields, such as user_name. The platform will automatically convert field names during the request and response process. Additionally, when defining entities using annotations, the platform will also convert field names to snake_case by default.

2.Request and Response Message Structure

  • Success

    When a request is successful, the response message structure is as follows:

    "request_id":"", ---【Non-empty】Request Trace ID
    "status":"Success", ---【Non-empty】Response status, including Success, Failed
    "data":{ ---【Optional】Response data


  • Failure

    When a request fails, the response message structure is as follows:

    "request_id":"", ---【Non-empty】Request Trace ID
    "status":"Failed", ---【Non-empty】Response status, including Success, Failed
    "error_code": "gateway_timeout", ---【Non-empty】Exception error code
    "error_message": "Gateway Timeout", ---【Optional】Exception message
    "detail_message": "", ---【Optional】Detailed exception information
    "data":{ ---【Optional】Exception response information, when an exception requires returning data to the frontend


3.Request Failure Error Codes

Beaver IoT defines common request failure error codes. Developers can choose appropriate error codes based on actual situations or customize exception error codes. The exception error codes are as follows:

Error CodeHTTP Status CodeDescription

Pagination Standards

1.Pagination Request

Beaver IoT starts pagination from page 1. If the page size is not specified, the default is 10 items per page. The request message structure is as follows:

"page_size": 100, -- Specifies the number of items per page
"page_number": 1, -- Specifies the page number
"sorts": [ -- Specifies sorting
"direction":"ASC", "property":"user_name"

Note: The sorting field name should also use snake_case.

*2.Pagination Response

Beaver IoT pagination response format is as follows:

"page_size": 10, ---【Non-empty】Page size
"page_number": 1, ---【Non-empty】Current page number
"total": 0, ---【Non-empty】Total number of items
"content": [] ---【Non-empty】List of data

Request Path

  1. Path Conventions

    Beaver IoT request paths should follow RESTful conventions. For integration development, request paths should include the integration identifier, such as /msc/user. The msc is the integration identifier to avoid path conflicts between different integration developers.

Access Control

Beaver IoT will intercept requests to verify the token information in the request header. If verification fails, a 401 error code will be returned. For requests that do not require token verification, developers can name the request path as /public, and the platform will not verify the token information.