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Building Integration


Integration is the primary means by which Beaver IoT achieves device connectivity, device control, and functionality extension. It enables Beaver IoT to interact with other software, devices, and third-party platforms. Beaver IoT integrations fostering community co-creation and promoting system expansion and integration.

In this chapter, we will introduce the entire process of using our provided integration development repository and environment for project construction, development, debugging, and release.

Project Construction

Code Repository

We provide an integration development repository that includes all released integrations, sample code, and debugging environments. You can download the beaver-iot-integrations code repository to experience integration development.

pom.xml Configuration

  • Dependency References

For integration development, we provide the context dependency package for basic integration development functions. Typically, we do not need to package context into the integration, so we set its scope to provided. Developers can introduce other dependency packages (not included in the Beaver IoT) as needed for integration development.


Please note, to avoid dependency conflicts and duplicate package imports, we recommend developers choose dependency packages already included in the Beaver IoT platform. For packages already included in the platform, developers can set the scope to provided.

  • Unified Dependency Versions To unify dependency versions, the Beaver IoT platform defines a beaver-iot-parent POM dependency. Developers can define dependency versions in dependencyManagement.

In the beaver-iot-integrations project, we have already defined the version number of beaver-iot-parent, so developers do not need to define it specifically during integration development.

  • Integration Packaging The integration needs to be packaged into jar packages to be deployed for use at Beaver IoT. We recommend that developers use the maven-assembly-plugin plugin for packaging.
<!-- in case you have your own dependencies to be packaged -->

Integration Development

Integration Configuration

Parameter Description

Integration configuration is the foundation of the integration, containing basic information, devices, entities, and other metadata. Developers need to create an integration.yaml file in the resources directory to define the integration configuration.

Parameter NameDefault ValueRequiredDescription
idNoneYesIntegration ID
nameNoneYesIntegration Name
icon-urlNoneNoIntegration Icon URL, supports relative and absolute paths
descriptionNoneNoIntegration Description
enabledtrueNoWhether Enabled
entity-identifier-add-deviceNoneNoEntity Identifier for adding devices, indicating the integration supports adding devices
entity-identifier-delete-deviceNoneNoEntity Identifier for deleting devices, indicating the integration supports deleting devices
initial-devicesNoneNoInitial device entities, see Device/Entity Construction Chapter
initial-entitiesNoneNoInitial integration entities, see Device/Entity Construction Chapter

Please note, the id field in the integration configuration file is the unique identifier of the integration and cannot be duplicated.

icon-url Configuration

The icon-url supports relative paths and absolute paths. Relative paths are relative to the root directory of the integration, while absolute paths refer to external image URLs.

  • Relative Path Example: icon-url: /public/my-integration.png
  • Absolute Path Example: icon-url:

When using a relative path, developers need to place the image file in the /resources/static/public directory of the integration, for example:

├── src/
│ ├── main/
│ │ └── resources/
│ │ └──── static/
│ │ └────── public/
│ │ └──────── my-integration.png

To avoid resource file conflicts, it is recommended that developers use image file names that include the integration-id.

Code Example

  • Simple Integration Configuration Example
my-integration: # integration identifier
name: My Integration Name # integration name
description: "My Demo Integration" # integration description
  • Complete Integration Configuration Example
my-integration: # integration identifier
name: My Integration Name # integration name
icon-url: /public/my-integration.png # integration icon url
description: "My Demo Integration" # integration description
enabled: true # whether enable this integration. Must be "true" for now
entity-identifier-add-device: addDevice # entity identifier for adding device
entity-identifier-delete-device: deleteDevice # entity identifier for deleting device
initial-entities: # initial entities
- identifier: 'connect' # entity identifier
name: connect # entity name
value_type: string # entity value type
type: service # entity type
children: # children entities
- identifier: 'url'
name: connectUrl
value_type: string
type: service

Integration Lifecycle

Lifecycle Description

The Beaver IoT platform provides the IntegrationBootstrap interface for managing the lifecycle of platform integrations. Developers need to implement the IntegrationBootstrap interface and override the onPrepared, onStarted, and onDestroyed methods to manage the integration lifecycle.

General Architecture

  • After Beaver IoT starts, it first initializes the application environment

    • Loads all integration configurations into memory
    • Calls the onPrepared function for each integration
  • Persists the devices and entities of the integration

    • Calls the onStarted function for each integration
    • The Beaver IoT program then officially starts running.
  • The onDestroyed function is called when the integration is destroyed

Code Example

  • A Simple Integration Lifecycle Example
public class MyIntegrationBootstrap implements IntegrationBootstrap {
public void onPrepared(Integration integration) {
// todo: actions when prepared

public void onStarted(Integration integrationConfig) {
// todo: actions when started

public void onDestroy(Integration integration) {
// todo: actions when destroyed

The Beaver IoT platform discovers platform integrations based on the implementation of the IntegrationBootstrap interface. Therefore, integration developers must implement the IntegrationBootstrap interface and inject it into the Spring container. The integration package path should be under the com.milesight.beaveriot directory to ensure that the integration can be discovered by the Beaver IoT platform. It is strongly recommended that developers use the com.milesight.beaveriot.{integration-identifier} package path.

  • Complete Integration Lifecycle Example

The following example demonstrates adding an initial device in the onPrepared method, enabling a timer in the onStarted method to periodically fetch device status data from the integration platform, and stopping the timer in the onDestroyed method.

public class MyIntegrationBootstrap implements IntegrationBootstrap {

// in this example, we use MyIntegrationDataSyncService to sync data
private MyIntegrationDataSyncService myIntegrationDataSyncService;

public void onPrepared(Integration integrationConfig) {
// add initial device
Device device = new DeviceBuilder(integrationConfig.getId())
.entity(() -> new EntityBuilder()
.property("parentProperty", AccessMod.W)
.property("childrenProperty", AccessMod.W)

public void onStarted(Integration integrationConfig) {
// start the timer for periodic tasks

public void onDestroy(Integration integrationConfig) {
// stop the timer

The above example uses the Builder pattern to construct devices and entities, which will be described in detail in the Device/Entity Construction chapter.

Integration Debugging

Running the Debug Application

To facilitate integration developers in debugging integrations, we provide the application-dev module, where developers can debug integrations.

Simply add the integration that needs to be debugged to the dependencies, for example:

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Then start beaver-iot-integrations/application-dev/src/main/java/com/milesight/beaveriot/

More Customization

By default, the application-dev module will load all Beaver IoT platform services and start using H2 as the built-in database. Developers can customize the integration debugging environment by configuring the pom.xml and application-dev files.

  • Removing User and Authentication Modules

To make it easier for integration developers to debug the integration, you can remove the authentication module: comment out the authentication-service dependency package in pom.xml.

  • Custom Database

By default, the application-dev module uses H2 as the built-in database. Developers can configure the PostgreSQL database in the application-dev file (or via environment variables), for example:


By default, the platform uses H2 as the built-in database. For development convenience, we have enabled the H2 console, and developers can access the H2 console via the /public/h2-console context path for database operations.

Integration Installation

Integrations are released to the Beaver IoT in the form of jar files. Developers can package the integration into a jar file using the maven install command and then upload it to the Beaver IoT for release.

  • Integration Packaging
mvn package -pl integrations/my-integration -am -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  • Integration Installation

Add the packaged integration jar to the /plugins directory under the installation directory of Beaver IoT, then restart the Beaver IoT platform.