VS121-P Custom Profile Template

This topic describes how to create a custom Profile template for VS121-P.

Background information

A Profile template contains both Basic Settings and Advanced Settings. Basic settings can edited with the visual interface provided by Milesight Development Platform, while the advanced settings can ONLY be edited in JSON format.

Follow the workflow below to create and apply a custom Profile template:

  1. Create a custom Profile template on Milesight Development Platform.
  2. Configure the basic settings with the visual interface.
  3. Configure the advanced settings in the JSON format.
  4. Save and apply the custom Profile template accordingly.

Step 1. Create a custom Profile template

  1. Log in to Milesight Development Platform.
  2. On the top bar, click Device, then select the Custom Profile Template tab.

  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Basic Configuration section, configure the basic information:

    1. In the Profile Template Name field, specify a name to help you identify this template.
    2. In the Select Product Profile Template field, search and select VS121-P_Profile_Template.
    3. In the Profile Template Version drop-down list, select the version of the Profile template.

Step 2. Configure the connecting platform

  1. Select the Generic Configuration tab.
  2. In the Device Management Connections section, decide whether to connect the device to Milesight platform for remote management and configuration.
    Connect the device to Milesight Development Platform
    Retain the default settings.

    Connect the device to Milesight DeviceHub
    1. In the Connecting Platforms field, select DeviceHub 2.0.
    2. In the Milesight DeviceHub Server Address field, enter the server address of the Milesight DeviceHub.
    Do NOT connect to Milesight platform
    Uncheck the Platform Connection.

Step 3. Configure the Network settings

  1. Select the Basic Configuration tab, then go to the Network section.

  2. In the IP Assignment section, specify the IPv4 assignment method.
    Setting Description
    Manual To manually assign the IPv4 address, do as follow:

    1. Select Manual.
    2. Configure the IPv4 address as needed or retain the default value.
    DHCP To automatically assign the IPv4 address, select DHCP.

  3. In the IPv6 Assignment Type section, specify the IPv6 assignment method.
    Setting Description
    Manual To manually assign the IPv6 address, do as follow:

    1. Select Manual.
    2. Optional: Configure the IPv6 address, prefix, and gateway as needed.
    3. In the MTU field, specify the network Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or retain the default value.
    Route Advertisement
    Note: Route Advertisement refers to the process of routers informing devices, enabling them to automatically discover network routes and configure their IP addresses without manual intervention.

    To set the IPv6 assignment method as Route Advertisement. do as follow:

    1. Select Route Advertisement.
    2. In the MTU field, specify the network Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or retain the default value.
    DHCP To automatically assign the IPv6 address, do as follow:

    1. Select DHCPv6.
    2. In the MTU field, specify the network Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) or retain the default value.

Step 4. Configure People Counting settings

  1. Go to the People Counting section.

  2. In the People Counting Function section, specify the people counting function of the device.
    Setting Description
    Region People Counting To set the people counting function as detecting the number of people in specific region, select Region People Counting and configure the following settings:
    Dwell Time Detection
    Decide whether to detect the duration individuals stay within the detection area.
    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following settings accordingly:
    • Min Dwell Time: Specify the minimum time individuals must stay within the detection area to be detected (Unit: Second).
    • Dwell Trigger Report: Decide whether to enable dwell time-triggered reporting, which instantly reports the specific time of entry and exit and dwell time for each person within the area.
    Region Period Report Enable
    Decide whether to enable periodic reporting of region people detection.

    If this setting is enabled, you need to configure the following:

    • Periodic Reporting Mode: Select the periodic report of "On the Dot" or "From Now On".

      On the Dot: The device will report at the top of each hour. For example, When the interval is set to 1 hour, it will report at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00 and so on; when the interval is set to 10 minutes, it will report at 0:10, 0:20, 0:30, and so on.

      From Now On: Begin reporting from this moment onwards and regularly report based on the interval cycle.

    • Reporting Interval: Specify the interval for periodic reporting.

    Region Trigger Report Enable
    Decide whether to enable triggered reporting of region people detection.

    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following:

    • Trigger Report Type: Specify the trigger for reporting.
      • Zero ⇌ Non-zero: Zero to Non-zero/Non-zero to Zero
      • Once result changes:
    Crowd Alarm Enable
    Decide whether to enable crowding alarm.
    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following:
    • Crowd Alarm Type: Specify the type of crowding alarm.
      • Total Number: Total number of detected people.
      • Number in Area: Specific number of detected people within specific area.
    • Value to Trigger Crowd Alarm: Specify the threshold for crowding alarm.
    Region Detection Enable
    Decide whether to enable region detection.
    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following:
    • Region Detection Type: Specify the type of region detection.
    • Region Report Type: Specify the type for region detection reporting.
      • Occupancy: Report the occupancy status.
      • Region People Counting: Report the number of detected people.
    Line Cross Counting To set the people counting function as Line Cross Counting, select Line Cross Counting and configure the following settings:
    Line Trigger Report
    Decide whether to trigger reporting for each individual as they cross the line.
    Line Period Report
    Decide whether to enable periodic reporting of data regarding the detected number of people crossing the line.
    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following:
    • Periodic Reporting Mode: Select the periodic report of "On the Dot" or "From Now On".

      On the Dot: The device will report at the top of each hour. For example, When the interval is set to 1 hour, it will report at 0:00, 1:00, 2:00 and so on; when the interval is set to 10 minutes, it will report at 0:10, 0:20, 0:30, and so on.

      From Now On:Begin reporting from this moment onwards and regularly report based on the interval cycle.

    • Reporting Interval: Specify the interval for periodic reporting.

    U-turn Filter
    Decide whether to exclude individuals making U-turns within the sensor's detection area.
    Staff Filter
    Decide whether to exclude staff within the sensor's detection area.
    People Flow Analysis To set the people counting function as People Flow Analysis, do as follow:
    1. Select People Flow Analysis.
    2. In the Flow Report Interval field, specify the interval for people flow analysis reporting

Step 5. Configure the Image settings

  1. Go to the Image Settings section.

  2. In the Power Frequency drop-down list, specify the power frequency of the device's image.
  3. In the WDR Enable field, decide whether to enable Wide Dynamic Range (WDR).
    If this setting is checked, you need to configure the following:
    • WDR Level: Specify the WDR level.

Step 6. Configure the Recipient Settings

  1. Go to the Recipient Settings section.

  2. In the Protocol section, specify the reporting protocol.
    Setting Description
    MQTT To set the reporting protocol as MQTT, do as follow:
    1. Select MQTT.
    2. Configure the MQTT information as needed or retain the default value.
    MQTTS To set the reporting protocol as MQTTS, do as follow:
    1. Select MQTTS.
    2. In the TLS Type field, specify the certificate type for TLS.
      • To use the CA-signed TLS certificate, select CA Signed Server.
      • To use Self-signed TLS certificate, select Self Signed and upload the required certificate files.
    HTTP To set the reporting protocol as HTTP, do as follow:
    1. Select HTTP.
    2. In the HTTP Recipient Enable field, decide whether to enable HTTP recipient.

      If this setting is checked, you need to configure the HTTP Recipient settings accordingly.

      HTTP recipient: Add data receivers and the device will proactively push data to the receivers according to the configured reporting scheme.

Step 7. Configure the System Settings

  1. Go to the System Settings section.

  2. In the Device Name field, specify a name to help you identify this device.
  3. In the Time Zone drop-down list, select the desired time zone for this device.
  4. In the DST Enable field, decide whether to enable Daylight Saving Time (DST) for this device.
    • Off: Disable DST for this device.
    • Automatic: Enable DST for this device.
  5. In the Syn Mode section, specify the time synchronization mode.
    • NTP Timing: Synchronize the device's time across a network using the Network Time Protocol.

      You can specify the NTP Server Address and NTP Syn Interval as needed.

    • Manual: Manually synchronize the device's time.
    • Synchronize with computer time
  6. Configure the SSH service as needed.
    • SSH Enable: Decide whether to enable or disable SSH service.
    • SSH Port: Specify the SSH port.

Optional: Step 8. Configure the advanced settings

  1. Scroll up to the top of the page, click TEXT on the right to view the settings in JSON.

  2. Click Edit to enter edit mode.

  3. Search and edit the following keys' value as needed.
    Key Type Description
    privacy_mode Integer

    Specify the privacy mode of the device.

    The privacy mode decide whether the video stream displayed on liveview is clear enough to identify faces, with the purpose of protecting individuals' privacy.

    Valid value:

    • 0: Blur. (Default value)
    • 1: Normal.
    Note: Once privacy mode is set, it can only be changed by resetting the device.
    privacy_mask Integer Decide whether to enable privacy mask

    Valid value:

    • 0: Disable. (Default value)
    • 1: Enable.
      Note: You can set up the privacy mask areas on People Counting > Privacy Mask of the device's setting interface.
    mask_color Integer
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when privacy_mask is set to 1.
    Specify the color of privacy mask areas.

    Valid value

    rtsp_port Integer
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when privacy_mode is set to 1 (normal mode).
    Specify the RTSP port (Default value: 554).

    Valid value: 1 - 65535

    rtp_packet Integer
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when privacy_mode is set to 1 (normal mode).
    Specify the RTP packet size.

    Valid value:

    • 1448: Better Compatibility (Default Value).
    • 8000: Better Performance
    multicast_addr String
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when privacy_mode is set to 1 (normal mode).
    Specify the RTSP-related multicast addresses of the device. (Default value:
    qos_dscp Integer
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when privacy_mode is set to 1 (normal mode).
    Specify the RTSP-related QoS DSCP. (Default value: 0)

    Valid value: 0 - 63

    region_count_sche String
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when count_func is set to 0 (Region People Counting).
    Define the timing and period for enabling Region People Counting (Default value: All day from Monday to Sunday).

    Valid value:

    line_count_sche String
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when count_func is set to 1 (Line Cross Counting).
    Define the timing and period for enabling Line Cross Counting (Default value: All day from Monday to Sunday).

    Valid value:

    flow_analy_sche String
    Note: This parameter ONLY takes effect when count_func is set to 2 (People Flow Analysis).
    Define the timing and period for enabling People Flow Analysis (Default value: All day from Monday to Sunday).

    Valid value:

  4. Click Save.

Step 9. Save the custom Profile template

  1. On the left-bottom of the page, click Save.
  2. Apply the custom Profile template according to the operation method.
    • Web page: Select the Profile template when adding devices.
    • API: Do as follow:
      1. In the Operation column, click to download the Profile in JSON.

      2. Include the entire JSON in the API request of Add a Device.