Create a Custom Profile Template

Milesight Development Platform provides default Profile templates for device configuration, you can also create a custom Profile template to adjust the settings according to your needs.

Background information

We provide detailed instructions on creating custom Profile templates for Milesight devices.


  1. Log in to Milesight Development Platform.
  2. On the top bar, click Device, then select the Custom Profile Template tab.

  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Basic Configuration section, configure the basic information:

    1. In the Profile Template Name field, specify a name to help you identify this template.
    2. In the Select Product Profile Template field, search and select the desired product.
    3. In the Profile Template Version drop-down list, select the version of the Profile template.
  5. For Internet accessible devices:
    1. In the Generic Configuration tab, decide whether to connect the device to Milesight platform for remote management and configuration.
      Connect the device to Milesight Development Platform
      Retain the default settings.

      Connect the device to Milesight DeviceHub
      1. In the Connecting Platforms field, select DeviceHub 2.0.
      2. In the Milesight DeviceHub Server Address field, enter the server address of the Milesight DeviceHub.
    2. In the Basic Configuration tab, configure the device settings as needed.
  6. For Internet inaccessible devices (For example LoRaWAN sensors), in the TSL Configuration tab, configure the device settings as needed.
  7. Click Save.


You have created a custom Profile template, which can be used to configure the device when adding them.