View Device Details and Invoke Services

This topic describes how to view the device details, modify parameters, and invoke services.


Click here to check the maximum display time of data and logs under different plans.


  1. Log in to Milesight Development Platform.
  2. On the top bar, click Device, then select the My Device tab.

  3. Double-click the desired device to view its details, modify parameter, and invoke services.
    • To view device details, go to the following tabs:
      Tab Description
      Basic Info This tab contains all the basic information of this device.
      Properties This tab displays the status or information of a running device.

      For example, the temperature humidity data collected by a sensor, the snapshots captured by a sensing camera.

      Event This tab displays the information that a device reports to Milesight Development Platform.
      Note: If this tab is NOT displayed, it indicates that the device does not support service invocation.
      This tab displays the records of invoking device services.
      Log This tab displays the operation time, operator and details of this device including Add, Edit, Share, Remote Access, Delete, etc.
    • To invoke services on the device, go to the following tab:
      Tab Description & Instruction
      Service Invocation
      Note: If this tab is NOT displayed, it indicates that the device does not support service invocation.
      This tab displays services that can be invoked for this device.
      For example, reboot the device and query the historical data of a device.
      Click the desired service and follow the prompts in the pop-up window to invoke it.