Food production is getting more sophisticated as the demand for food continues to increase world wide. One area that shows a lot of promise to take horticulture to the next level is the gathering of data. Data can be used to optimise energy usage, grow higher quality produce, and allow farmers to focus on more important things. Currently the best way to do this is to gather images of the plants on a daily basis to see how plants are growing and train large computer models. This allows us to to better steer plant growth and allow for the scaling of food production to keep up with the continuously rising demand.
For this Milesight cameras are placed throughout the growing area to take pictures of the plants every 4 hours. These pictures are then used to make a forecast of plant production, look for diseases and count fruits and flowers.
The partner provide a yield/harvest forecast for commercial food producers so they know how much food they are able to grow weeks in advance. With this information they are better able to allocate resources, use energy and labour more efficiently, and prevent diseases from disrupting food production. This is done by using computer vision and large computer models that know everything there is to know about how plants grow, these are combined in an easy to use dashboard where growers can power their entire greenhouse. We also allow our models to be used by individual consumers who want to see how healthy their plants are, how many fruits and flowers they have, and how long it will take for their fruit to be ripe.
Milesight cameras take pictures every 4 hours on a semi-random schedule, these pictures are then posted to the cloud where they are analysed by the machine learning model. The pictures are posted to a secure server through the use of M2M sim cards and the firmware is optimised for this specific application.